Word order in English is of great importance. English words have hardly any inflexions and their relations to each other are shown by their place in the sentence and not by their form.

The word order in English is fixed and it is called the direct word order if it is the following:


# She loves her father greatly.

The indirect word order is:


# Have you nuts at home?

!Passive Voice. It is used to emphasize the verb and the object of a sentence rather than subject:

Active voice: He wrote this letter in 2012.

Passive voice: This letter was written in 2012.

1. State the type of word order in the following sentences:

1. I like ice-cream.

2. Does he often come here?

3. Hardly had he realized the situation, when he was asked to lead the group.

4. The bees were still buzzing.

5. «Did I miss?» asked Christopher Robin.

6. «Christopher – oh! – Robin», called out the cloud.

7. The air came slowly out, and Winnie-the-Pooh floated down to the ground.

8. «Is anybody at home?»

2. Form the correct word order in the following sentences:

1. Had ill I not been I should have come by all means.

2. After discussed the film we seeing it.

3. We last summer went to the mountains, we are going this summer to the Black Sea coast.

4. I have been this year to the museum several times.

5. In the dead of night the scouts were moving along a narrow path noiselessly.

6. But he could not, not know how to turn and did go away.

7. The mountains a long way away were and you could see on their tops snow.

8. I do believe not of his a single word.

3. Translate the sentences from Russian into English paying attention to the word order in the sentence:

1. Она просила нас высказаться, после того как он выступит с докладом.

2. Ей очень нравится читать статьи в оригинале.

3. Кошки настоящие друзья человека.

4. Наш родственник предложил поехать в Тунис.

5. Почему она не любит общаться?

6. Ее не видели уже два месяца.

7. Почему вы не сходили в музей?

8. Он должен увидеться с ней.

9. Бабушка очень хотела, чтобы я ответил на письмо.

10. Она достаточно ленива, чтобы действовать.

11. У нее есть чувство собственного достоинства.

12. Она пригласила подруг вчера вечером.

4. Form the sentences in passive:

1. Somebody noticed the aircraft at that moment.

2. He cleaned that vase yesterday.

3. She was reading the book.

4. They built the house on the basis of the previous building.

5. They often invite me to parties.

6. My grandfather offered me to play chess.

7. She sent a postcard to a right address.

8. We heard him playing the guitar.

9. I cooked that cake for the first time in my life.

10. She left her child alone.

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