Azbuka 2

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The science of conquest is a science. But also an art. In my line of work, I am quite far from all types of scientific phenomena and scientific communication, particularly as concerns such specific branches of science (I would even say: esoteric branches) as military science. Considering this, could there be any source of knowledge within my reach which might I draw on if I wanted to treat such a topic? When I, despite all this, treated the topic, I did so making use of testimony accessible to me and my understanding, i.e. of those predecessors preoccupied with poetry who had some experience in this matter (experience in this matter, but not only in this one). When I did this, I felt a surge of enthusiasm which differed in many ways from purely poetic enthusiasm. It gave testimony to the presence of a powerful and deep level of passion which, in tragic and great moments of human life, gives every mortal the possibility and the right to become a participant in military activities with full rights and powers, And I understood that I was dealing here with an artistic activity which I could take part in, not only potentially but also most manifestly, since I took part in the other kind, that is in artistic activity as a whole. And I not only understood this, but also felt it when the surge of poetic inspiration transported me directly, authentically and irreversibly onto the swift and magnificent waves of battles ecstasy.

This surge was so powerful and took hold of me so totally that, when it had subsided, I only then noticed serious violations of the clear and stringent structure of the Alphabet. Observing the demands of this structure was just as obligatory and unavoidable in the science of conquest as a science as it was obligatory and unavoidable in the science of conquest as an art. Nonetheless, I decided not to correct those significant deviations, so that the sincere enthusiasm I addressed above, valued in all forms of art, would not disappear under the influence of a coldly reasoning pen.


Artilleristy, Artillerists, Stalin issued commands!

Aviation is for us most precious use of our hands


Budionnyi, Chapaev, Napoleon

Batalion armored, breaks lines one by one


Very high forces, wonderous dimensions of heaven’s warders

Vostorg! Enthusiasm! vivat! Gentlemen officers, give orders!


Gentlemen officers, shoulders adorned with bars!

Gori, Greatly burn, burn bright, my stars!


Do svidania, farewell, home’s fields dearly costing!

Drang, gospoda, gentlemen, nach Osten!


Esli zavtra voina, if tomorrow will be war and marching and

Enemies do not surrender, do not cede the breadth of a hand.


Zhelezom, with iron we will teach them, and with fire make them understand:

Zheneva and Zurich, Vienna, Austria, Switzerland


Zapad, west, east, eternally (starting now)

Znamia, our flag, gentlemen it is holy and how.


It’s a science, the art of victory

Instructive stuff, this history.


Kill! Thrust your sword! Give chase!

Ko mne, come to me grenadiers, all of them we’ll erase.


Leib-gusary, husars, mounted infantry, helots,

Let them fly, warplanes with pilots.


Maneuvers of brilliance, excitement of masses

Met’, aim to center, you’ll strike eyes and glasses.


Na etom, on this the Rus’ stands and stood

Not one step back, you Russian hide not in the woods.


Oh, mass heroism all have noted!

Officers, gospoda, excitement to the heavens has floated.


Pobeda! Victory! Let its thunder resound!

From all directions death and hell dreadfully pound.


Run and chase them down! Chop them!

Rally and hit them, press on and drown them!


Svistai, smack them and whistle! Sound trumpets, play the tune!

Sadi! Dash along, press on, catch them soon!


Trumpets! Let them resound while you cut! Play tunes! The enemy chop!

Tug and drag them! Press on! Smack them and don’t stop!


Under gravestones they go! Slug them! Beat!

Usbeks! Georgians! Tadzhiks!


Frenchman! China! Iran!

Explosions! Bombs! Tararam!

Claps of thunder! Clouds of smoke! Water! Heat!

Corpses! Trenches! Go on, perform the heroic feat!

Forward march! To the walls, to the towers!

To the flanks! To the embrasures!

Bording attack! For our beliefs and good offices!

Enthusiasm, gentlemen officers!

Move in by companies, by battalions!

One by one! By the millions!

By land! By sea! By dust!

Smash! Cut! Burn!


Ey, hey, to victory, to victory

Hey, stifle them, stifle them!


Yucatan! Zvartnots Tszura!

Yutk! Vztrutsber! Krtsvatkhok — hurra!


Yanychary, Janissaries fled

Yadra, the cores, flew to the chase!